Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 29 December 2013

Turtle-Christmas-day in les Saintes, Guadeloupe

hawksbill turtle in les Saintes

Underwater on the 25th of December one big and friendly hawksbill turtle decided to spend some 20 minutes with us. What a pleasure!!!!! After the turtle took some air from the surface she followed us and we could observe her closely while Claire, our amazing dive instructor and close turtle-friend, was giving her instructions on how to avoid the fishermen nets and to take care of her. A lot of turtles in the Caribbean sea find their death because of increased fishing activities. More than 60% of the turtles in les Saintes disappeared/ died in the last 3-4 years.

Saturday 14 December 2013

Christmas reflections in Amsterdam

Last week, after an amazing concert in Amsterdam, I was surprised by these beautiful lights of the Holland Casino. As there was almost no wind, some beautiful reflections appeared in the canal too...Enjoy and happy pre-Xmas time to all of you:-))

Monday 2 December 2013

Sunny Amsterdam and the beautiful Haarlemmer(dijk)straat

There is something magic in Amsterdam. This city has soooo much charme: once you start strolling though its narrow streets,  while watching out not to be hit by a bike and making sure you dont fall in a "gracht" (canal) while you take a picture! Adding some November sun and amazingly blue sky and you have a perfect combination for beautiful view and fun pictures! So last Saturday we headed to Amsterdam and enjoyed the breathtaking buildings& their colourful details in the Haarlemmerstraat (which is said to be one of the non-tourist shopping street with tons of cosy cafes, designer shops and restaurants). Close to the street there is also the organic market of Amsterdam, which takes place every Saturday, on the square around Noorderkerk... Fresh produce, majestic architecture und reflections in the canal made this walk and visit simply great experience!