Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 6 April 2014

Spring 2014 in the Netherlands: flower fields with daffodils, hyacinths and tulips

Hyacinths field, Holland 2014

The Netherlands never seize to amaze me! Here we have the online "buienradar" (literally "storm radar") telling us in how many minutes next rain or storm is coming, very practical when you are by bike...When you have a drink with friends you may spot the funny "zonnenradar" (sunshine radar) on some beer bottles (most probably to remind the Dutch that they get sunburnt quiet easily)... and in the spring we have the "bloemenradar"-page (flower radar), showing people in pictures how many flowers are already out! So after learning and checking the flower radar on Friday I made my weekends plan:-)

Spring has been very nice, gentle and warm with us this year, here in the low lands! The great and sunny March invited all spring bulb flowers to come outside the ground earlier than usual (and aslo much earlier than last year)! Already for two weeks colourful flower carpets decorate the famous Bollenstreek between Leiden and Amsterdam. Here are the visual proofs of the flower-photo-tour! Enjoy the colours!
Dandelion details

Tulip fields next to Noordwijkerhout


  1. Natures renewal is wonderful to see - what an exquisite show of flowers.

  2. Hallo Jana,

    schön, dass Du uns mal wieder welche von Deinen einzigartigen Bildern zeigst. Schöne neue Woche.

  3. A flower radar! What a brilliant idea for the land of daffodils - and other flowers! Lovely to "see" you again Jana.

  4. Hello Jana,
    Very beautiful shots!!
    It's always enjoy at this time to see the springflower fields in Holland. Well done!!

    Greetings, Marco

  5. Hi Jana - I love the spring - I love your photos. We are still waiting on seeing the first flower of spring this way as we still have lots of snow. The deer have come out of the woods and are hunting for food - the snow is still very deep in the woods and it pleases me to see the many yearlings that made it through the winter. Your exquisite show of flowers in majestic colour just takes ones breath away. Have a wonderful day :)

  6. Zo kleurrijk mooi, Jana !

  7. Flowers are a nice topic for photography. Really something for you.


  8. I can't stop reveling at all the colors!!!

    Ang flower radar--what a cool and practical idea! Perfect for people who want to go there and take photos. At least they won't make the unnecessary trip only to find out there aren't flowers yet :)

  9. Hi, Jana! This is one of my images of the Netherlands. With all these colors and beauties, and blue skies, I think I know you can’t be but cheerful. The fifth macro is terrific.


  10. ahhhh, so beautiful and heavenly, I wish I were there too to enjoy that beauty

  11. Every year you go to Holland in this period and so you can give us these wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing. A big hug from Italy.

  12. Jana, wij kunnen wij toch van het voorjaar genieten, zowel buiten als van je mooie foto's. Lieve groeten, Dietmut


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