Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 17 May 2015

From (Zuid-)Holland with love: part 2 of the fabulous flight

De Kaag Aerial view

During the colourful flower fields flight end of April with LionAir we started at Rotterdam airport in a cozy tiny Cessna plane. We flew over Zoetermeer, Leiden, de Kaag before heading to the flower bulb area (Lisse, Voorhout and Noordwijkerhout). Afterwards we did a turn and kept following the coastline (Noordwijk aan Zee and Katwijk followed by Scheveningen, Kijkduin and the Zandmotor plus of course Monster and its greenhouses). At the end a fabulous view above Rotterdam harbour and then city, before landing...However, as I started with the heart of de Kaagse Plassen I edn my blog with the Zandmotor heart too:-)
Zandmotor Kijkduin heart 2015.


  1. Oh my goodness - you are higher than a kite! I love the heart shaped tide pools. The one surf shot almost made me sea sick. Looks beautiful there. Must catch up with you.

  2. Wonderful images - so clear and with wonderful colouring

  3. Hello Jana,
    Very impressive shots!! Great to see the city from that high position. Wonderful.

    Many greetings,

  4. Good morning Jana - WOW, I simply love those aerial shots. I have a friend just outside Amsterdam, so am used to seeing ground photography in same area, but this aerial photography is just stunning. I recognize many buildings just from my friend's ground photos. It is so much more amazing to see from the air. I love the pools on the beaches and the white sand. Keep doing what you do best because it sure is a thrill to see all your action way over in my little town in Atlantic Canada. Thank you for the comments you leave - very much appreciated because I know you are so busy. I have a bit of news for you. I have Momma and Poppa Dove who made a nest in my pine tree in back yard. I simply sat there yesterday and watched them forge for food to chew up, fly back to nest and feed babies. I cannot wait to see babies, because Momma and Poppa will bring them down to ground level in a couple of weeks to begin their growth of wings. I have seen fledgling cardinals in my yard and quietly watched them grow, so this is going to be so much fun. I never come too close, but quietly observe and have camera ready. Dear Jana, you have a wonderful day. Its always a treasure to read and view your posts. lol

  5. very beautiful aerial views.

  6. Such lovely views you get from a small airplane. Hope that you are enjoying life!

  7. Oh wow, those areal shots are fantastic! My favorites are the first four ones. Details even from a bird's eyeview :)


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