Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Saturday 27 December 2008

Christmas-time+news from Phillip Island:-)

After some days being busy with food-shopping, cooking and present-unwrapping (the Australian style and with Aude, Russell (a real Australian from Melbourne:) and his family), the tourist programme continued with a day at Philipp Island (140km away from Melbourne).

The Island is famous as a place full with Australian wildlife. We visited the Koala Conservation Center, where one can see the koalas in their real environment, sleeping on an eukalyptus tree. The highlight was a koala eating leaves (as all the ones we saw till now were actually asleep)...In the afternoon a boat took us to the Sealion rocks, where a colony of 6000 sealions relax in the sun or play in the water. One could smell them from a km before already...

The day finished with the Pinguin Parade (a colony of 60 000 pinguins lives on the island), which starts every evening after sunset when the pinguin parents come back from a day of fishing to feed their little ones. We saw the smallest pinguin species in the world (around 30cm) waddling from the sea to their babies, who lives in holes/houses within the sand.

If we look tired on the pic abovee, its because it was 11pm already:)

Weather has been really changeable. We had some sun, clouds, showers and again sunshine within less than 12 hours. The sun feels like a big burning machine even at 9am when there is no wind at all. Should be the difference between Europe and Australia and the thickness of the ozon layer here.

1 comment:

  1. Vesela Koleda tuka e minus 1 i prez no6ta e minus 5. Ina4e e slance ama goliam stud. Nie sme na Groningen i biahme na ve4eria v restorabnt s na Ruli maika mu i sestra mu. Az gio iznenadah s podarazi a te nas za Sinterklaas. Iskarai si super. Az v ponedelnik sam na rabota. 6te gledam da ti pratia snimki ot XMAS partito na EPO. Ne sme ispusnali koi znae kakvo. V vtornik pih kafe s Javor. Nikakvi kliuki zasega. Celuvki i veselo toplo iskarvane na Novata 2009 na toplo vreme. Pe4ete si dupetata 4e tuk se greia samo na solariuma za da imam ten :-))) Tony


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