Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Wednesday 24 December 2008

Sydney-part 2

During the second day here we met some further typical Australian fauna in Sydney Wildlife: echidna (looks like a hedgehog but with long nose), colourful butterflies, hungry lorikeets (from the parrot family)...

The visit of the Sydney Botanical Garden was really impressive. While wandering there, we saw a huge amount of sleeping bats, just hanging on the trees(they are called here flying foxes as their head looks like a fox).

Now we are in Melbourne and go shopping with Aude (the cousine of Nico) and Russel for the (pre-)Christmas dinner tonight;-)

1 comment:

  1. hello les vacanciers!

    à voir les photos, plein de souvenirs qui me reviennent, j'imagine que vous prenez bien votre pied...en tous cas, ça fait plaisir de voir la faune australe.
    Nico, travaille ta posture de surfeur, quant à Jana, je vois qu'elle aime manier les gros objectifs....

    Biz à vous deux,

    Benoît (from Alsace).


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