Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Thursday 29 January 2009

Abel Tasman National Park experience

Abel Tasman Park (named after the Dutch explorer) is the smallest park in NZ, but definitely one of the most beautiful. We were lucky enough (a big thanks to the weather) to have sunny and warm temperatures! Our two kiwi-guides explained us the local flora and history and coached us during the itinerary: 22 km of walking and 25 km of sea-kayaking! We started with 1,5 days hiking in beautiful fern forests and beaches.

The unfolding fern is the symbol of New Zealand, in Maori culture it symbolises the new begining.

During kayaking the last day we got some wind pushing us and we lined up 3 kayaks next to each other and put a sail on, was an awesome experience to ride the waves and to get wet at the same time-thanks to all the great people (locals and from overseas) in the group for the funny time! Some facts of the country history shocked us again: when Maori arrived on the island some 800 years ago 90% of it was forest, now only 30% of it remains...

The Kiwi-Team TonyFamily flying with the wind:)

From the plant Pohutukawa (the New Zealand Christmas tree) here one makes great honey...

The sun can be dangerous...Yesterday the fire alarm was on extreme-see above!

I got some fights with the rainforest mozzies (mosquitoes) as they really liked me and now have difficulties stopping scratching my 10 bites per leg:( For the rest we are just fine, drove on Wednesday evening down the East coast to Kaikoura from where the nice sky-cloud image comes from:) Less than 2 more days left for us here...


  1. Looks like a wonderful trip!
    Amusez vous bien pendant ces derniers jours. Nous avons été bien glacé ici en Europe! Tant mieux pour vous! Alister

  2. Коте,

    много сте хубави!!!

    Love mama

  3. Who took the photo when you were kayaking? That is beautiful.. Try to enlarge.. we'll see. ^^

  4. Dearie,

    Why don't you put the link to your book in this blog? You may promote here as well, if the readers opt to purchase the image in book form plus description.

    By the way, please see my entry, I also need votes. ^^

    "If you like the story posted here,, please participate in the Poll and rate it. Naturally, I would be glad if the rate is high and more positive.

    The poll link is here,, you may vote directly or read the story first (link above). Thank you! I am contestant number 9, “Details in the Tales”.



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