Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 25 January 2009

Absolutely positively Wellington and South Island

The logo of the capital of New Zealand says it all: a beautiful 350 000 inhabitants city, that feels good and relaxed, a big town without stress, friendly people and cozy bars and cafeterias all around. Yesterday for example a lovely lunch in a cosy bar owned and run by a friendly guy from the North of F rance (un vrai chti). We went to the TePapa Museum (the biggest and most famous museum of NZ), which is a mix of Maori and European history, natural treasures display and plenty of other things. Nico enjoyed the Macs brewery in down town and went kite-surfing in the bay, while myself had a sunny stroll in the Botanical garden.

The city from the top of the hill, where one can get with the red cable car...

On the top-level of the TePapa Museum, having fun with the moving with the wind creative, Korean sculptures "The egg or the chicken".

Enjoying a lovely cappuccino:)

The 3,5-hour-ferry trip to the South Island went fine today (not tooo shaky) despite of the stinky truck (a sheep transporter) parked just under the passenger deck. After arrival we visited a local winery (the Malborough region is another region famous with its vineyards). In its wine cellar we found a 1977-World atlas of wine,where they even had 2 pages about Bulgaria and Mavrud wine:) Tonight we are busy packing our luggage for the guided 3-day-kayaking-walking-tour in the national parc Abel Tasman (on the top of the South Island). We will be offline for some days, some more news after Wednesday...Have a good week:)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Bonjoue Jana et Nicolas,
    Merveilleux votre voyage.
    Merci de nous faire partager les belles choses de la terre.
    Dommage pour moi que les textes soient en anglais.
    Bros bisous

  3. Яна,
    градът изглежда готин, от горе малко, като Варна. предполагам, че и много по чист.
    Как сте със дрехите, имате ли си достътъчно топли за времето.
    На островите обикновено уха доста.
    Внимателската, нататък.


  4. coucou!

    and...this malborough wines??? did you taste the "dry Hill"?

    Hier schönes und ruhiges WK gehabt, ich probiere einbisschen Shiatsu zu studieren aber fühle mich so faul. wir haben mit Xavier squash am samstag gespielt und ich laufe heute wie eine Oma...

    In einer Stunde gehe ich ins Meeting mit unseren Kolleguen aus Muc, die hier für eine Woche sind...Ich will nicht gehen!!:(

    So cool diese "eggs"..sie erinnern mich (ja enstschuldigung, ich soll immer solche Vergleiche machen...) einbisschen an die japanische Puppe auf deinem Album Jana...

    Hé Nico, haben die NZ keinen Kaffee? ;)))
    Immer noch super euere Geschichte zu lesen...ich reise mit euch..
    BISOUS à tous les 2!

  5. coucou,
    il à l'air bon le capuccino, c'était avant le vin ou après?
    les jolis oeufs me font penser aux barbapapas.
    maman denise


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