Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Thursday 22 January 2009

The South of the Northern Island

Heading direction south (and Wellington) we did some stops in the towns on the West coast: Wanganui, Levin, Whaikakae. Following the advice of Dave we stopped in the cute village Foxton, where we enjoyed some colourful murals and laughed at the Dutch windmill (the biggest attraction there). Nico could not kitesurf as there was no wind (and on the top he said that the Foxton beach looks like the Dutch coast:), just with black sand.

While driving through the National Park Tongariro the other day we encountered for first time the road sign for kiwis, but we never met some real ones. I was shocked to learn today (during our visit of the nature reserve Nga Manu, a bird sanctuarity) that only 0,5% of the original population is now left in NZ. Our last camping site was in the really sweet and cozy Paekakariki (try to pronounce this one, its not easy:), between the green hill and the marine park Kapiti Island, 100 m from the beach.

Another thing is really shocking I think (at least for a Bulgarian person): in a country with 35 million sheep, running/eating around on green hills, there is no single production of sheep milk joghurt or sheep cheese-they dont milk the sheep here!!!But one can find a sheep skin shop (selling sheep skin boots, sleepers, etc) at almost every second village...

Thursday we arrived in Wellington where on the programme is some culture, shopping and relaxation before taking the ferry to the South Island on Sunday morning. Weather warmed up a bit, some sun at the coast, but mostly cloudy and windy in the capital. In the Maori mythodology the North Island of NZ is a giant fish, caught by the demi-god Maui from his waka (canoe), the South Island. Regional Wellington is known as the head of Mauis fish. To Maori people the head of the fish is the smartest and sweetest part!

P.S. some local from NZ(on request of Koteto)

Pukeko (known as New Zealand swamp hen) is a another flightless bird, who shows its white tail once it is afraid.

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  1. Яна,
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