Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 26 April 2009

Dutch Flowerparade/Bloemencorso of Bollenstreek 2009

It was again the last weekend of April and it was again time.... for the most colourful and most fragnant flower parade, the Bloemencorso of Bollenstreek (between Noordwijkerhout and Haarlem, Bollenstreek=the flower bulb area of the Netherlands)! The topic this year was "Famous books" and one could meet different heroes: like Asterix and Obelix, the last Mohican, knights and wizards and Moby Dick, the huge pink whale with his friends the pinguins...

The fragnance of hyacinths was just everywhere, may be because next to the start point of the parade in Noordwijkerhout there were some flower fields, still in blossom...The Bloemencorso is definitely my favourite of all flower events here! I was very happy to show it to our special visit from Joensuu, Finland: Henna, Lauri and Niilo:-)

Some more pics are available under:


  1. Is the one behind Nico the character Obelix? Hmmm, I may have not gone to see it but am glad to be always updated here with your posts...

    I like the cartoon Obelix and Asterix... they always win! ^^

  2. Yes, Rojen, you are right, the one next to Nico is Obelix, and the one on the picture above with our Finish freinds is Asterix:)


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