Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Saturday 2 May 2009

Orange craziness in the Netherlands...

Dutch people get really orange and crazy (and very friendly) every year at the Konniginnedag(the day of the Queen). The national holiday is celebrated all over the country with free concerts and other events in all big cities from the evening of the 29th till the (actual day) April, the 30th!

Why orange you might ask...Well, the Dutch royal familiy of Nassau-Orange used to own the principality of Orange. But there is no etymological connection between the word orange (the fruit and colour) and Orange (the name of the principality), the similarity is completely fortuitous:-)

With the pics I share some orange impressions with you from the sunny Konniginnedag in Delft.

P.S: It is still not clear if the tragic incident, when a man drove in the crowd, while the Queen+family were passing by, was a planned attack on the royal family or not. However 4 persons were killed and some more injured in Apeldoorn, most of the celebrations continued (as people got the news just in the evening), although some were also cancelled.


  1. The lady who is singing got really nice ear-rings ;-)

  2. Very lovely colors!
    I enjoyed your story. It was interesting to know the origin of orange. :)

  3. So bad the accident happen. I did enjoy the earlier part of the day, I even won a stuffed toy by playing the arcery in the "Peria" near my previous apartment...

    It was indeed an orange craziness..

    Miss u dearie. ^^


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