Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Gent or Gand or Ghent, (Flemish/French/English)?!

As the Netherlands are not soooo big country, its quiet handy to go on a daily trip in the weekend to a town in one of its neighbour countries. This time I have chosen Ghent in the Flemish part of Belgium. In French the name is Gand and in Flemish: Gent, so dont be surprised...

The charm of the town lies in its medieval architecture which is remarkably well preserved and restored. Its centre is claimed to be the largest carfree area in Belgium, may be thats why it was a big mess to find a parking lot on a Saturday. In the middle of the old city the castle Gravensteen (on the pic above) from the 12th century adds additional fairy-tale flavour. Within its century-long history it was used as a courthouse, a prison and a factory.

Of course, as everywhere in Belgium, there were some creative chocolatiers:-)


  1. I'm in love on last phpto!!!:))))

  2. Nice city he, Gent. I visited it a few times last year.

  3. Is that a real pair of shoes? Artistic and intriguing way to contain chocolates huh!

  4. the shoes are also made out of chocolate...thats why my mum is in love with them:-)))

  5. Oh! That's so good to know that those shoes at not "real shoes" at all! Hahhaah! And they can be eaten!! Wow!

    On the side, I have an advice: Don't worry about the blogger referer... and I saw it and I believe your blog was landed on several times when people (from around the world) try to click "Next Blog" at the top of your page... That is called navigation bar up there, and also you can do that also . Try to click and your will land in a blog you don't know. Sometimes that's fun to do.


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