Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Thursday 4 June 2009

The Rose festival или за празника на розата в Казанлък!

Being part of the Rose festival in Kazanlak, Bulgaria, was on my Want-to-do list for some years now.
Luckily i made it finally (a bit last min) there! In the middle of the rose gardens (in Rozowa dolina=Rose valley) and surrounded by great rose aroma, warm sunshine and blue sky I could experience the famous Rose-harvesting ritual. This event usually takes place every last Sunday of the month of May, although it might differ with a week from year to year. Next to some traditional activities and folklore performances one could also view the "real" rose-pickers and carriers...
The rose cultivated in the region around Kazanlak is the so called "Rosa damascena", it was brought to Bugaria from Persia (most probably by the soldiers of Alexander Macedons). Its harvesting is a very difficult process: it can be done only by hand and before sunrise (oil concentration is at its highest at this time of the day only), distillation should take place on the same day. One kilogramm rose oil is gained from THREE tonnes rose blossom!!! Those are just some of the reasons why the rose oil is the most expensive oil in the world. One kilogramm real oil from Rosa damascena costs around 5000 EUR....
The Bulgarian oil-bearing rose has been cultivated in the Rose Valley now for more than 300 years. Most rose oil is produced in Bulgaria, Morocco, Iran and Turkey.


  1. ally did not know before that rose produces oil...and it's edible? WOw! I am curious how does it taste!

    Beautiful! The plantation there is huge but I am curious if those roses are thornless? Because if they are with thorns, I am feeling pity for harvesters... I mean, you would get a prick here a prick there even if you are careful.

    By the way, I saw that visitor from Philippines that you have. ^^

  2. Now amore told me that Rose oil is used in cosmetics and related stuff, not for eating. I think indeed that's reasonably priced if its cosmetics as these are luxury/vanity products that are not necessities (except for celebrities... ^^).

  3. Actually there are 2 rose products:rose oil and rose water...both are used in cosmetics and in food (for flauvouring)!the bottle of rose water i always have in my bathroom can be used both for cakes, cookies or for face refreshing/cleaning:)smiles to u!

  4. That's even more interesting. iT WAS FUNNY WHEN YOU told me the water can be both used for cake and as a facial wash at the same time. New learning and new knowledge for me. Thanks.


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