Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 22 November 2009

About Thai massage and its secrets

If you go to Thailand, dont miss to get a Thai massage. You will be asked to change into comfi pants and shirt and then the adventure will start...The first time is indeed bit of weird and painful, but it can fix your joints, muscles and the rest of your stiff body after the long flight to get there.

The Thai massage involves stretching and deep massage, no oils are used. There is a Thai-massage-school at the Temple Wat Pho in Baghkok. There I got my first Thai massage ever. In the garden of the temple one can sight some of the very first ancient Thai massage manuals: on the stone walls of some of the buildings.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

The underwater world of Thailand...

Lately i have been thinking(and dreaming) of Thailand a lot....all this because of the beautiful pictures on the blog of my supervisor Filip (click on the name to follow his trip and adventures). Thats why i would like to show you also somethings from there, goingback in time, to my trip to Bangkok-Phuket-Koh Phi Phi some years ago.

Let me take you on an underwater trip with the video below. While snorkelling and diving at Koh PhiPhi island you can admire and discover the colourful gardens and inhabitants of the Andaman sea.

Playful parrot fishes, curious banner fishes, some rays, a few sharks and turtles might be sighted in these waters.

The picture above shows the traditional Thai boats used by the locals still nowadays-lovely to be taken into pictures, less comfortable while you are on it because of the old, loud motors at the end of it.

Saturday 14 November 2009

Colours of the autumn...around Europe:)

autumn leaves

Maybe because I am an autumn kid, i do love this season. This year the first 2 weeks of October have been freezing but afterwards weather really improved and the so familiar to me autumn sunny time started-with a colour symphony of yellow, orange and red in tens different nuances and tones:)

Herbst im englischen Garten Muenchen

Thats why today I would love to share some sunny and colourful images with you. Of course autumn always signals that the winter is so close, but is not this awesome golden-redish magnificence garnished with sunshine such a nice thing to contemplate?:-)

Monday 2 November 2009

Caen and the museums of Normandy!

Chateau de Caen

The chateau of Caen casts 4 different museums between its majestic walls. The latest exposition was showing the history of its region, Normandy, and tourism:"Destination Normandie Deux siècles de tourisme en Normandie, XIXe – XXe siècles".

Musée de Normandie

Plenty of colourful and joyful old posters, yellow-paged-brochures and black and white postcards were on display. One could have a good laugh when seeing the bathsuit fashion from some 100 years ago:-) And still realise why people love(d) toursim. Because its a great way to escape the city, the every-day-life and the known.

Musée de Normandie posters

The Normandy-coast /La "côte normande" was just 2,5 hours away from Paris, now, 200 years after, only 1,5 hours by train.

Musée de Normandie old brochures