Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Monday 17 May 2010

At the "toe" of Italia: Calabria...

Calabria cipolla rossa

What should you imagine when you hear Calabria...hmmmm, actually
plenty of things:-) First of all the famous red onions ("cipolla rossa")! They are
literally everywhere (in the area around Tropea), on every corner at
the streets and in every frutta-verdura-shop. One of the local
specialties is a jam made ... of these same red onions. Right now
strawberries fields as well as orange and lemon trees seems to be all
over, this Italian region looks like "the" Mecca of fresh fruits and

Calabria olive trees

While driving through Calabria it is impossible to miss the huge olive
trees plantations. The olive tree is the main cultivation here. After
a cold-pressed-olive-oil tasting I can confirm that it tastes just
delicious. The 2 most known red and white Calabrian wine sorts are
"greco" and "gaglioppo".

Calabria olive tree blossom

Above you can see the blossom of an olive tree!

Calabria sea

Next to agriculture this region is famous also for tourism. Once you
see the sea and the lovely beaches (and add the Calabrian cuisine)
noone will wonder why some hundred thousands come yearly to the "toe"
of Italy.

Calabria frutta verdura shop


  1. You've done an excellent job of describing Calabria (from someone who has lived here for seven years) :D Lovely photos too!

  2. thank u so much Michelle!hope u enjoy Italy and living there:-)


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