Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Wednesday 12 May 2010

A stroll though Sofia/София...

Sofia, my home town, was known in the old times under different names...Funny enough all starts with "S": Serdica, Sredetz, Sofia...

Nowadays the capital of Bulgaria has some 1,3 million inhabitants. Today I will take you on a stroll through Sofia. First we pass in front one of the most beautiful building of the city: the National Theater. Then we will admire the Russian church, a real piece of art and colours.

Afterwards we will pass in front of the big department store ZUM and see the Sainte Sofia-sculpture.

The cathedral Alexander Nevsky is without any doubt THE symbol of Sofia. It was built as a expression of the Bulgarian gratitude to the Russian king Alexander (and all Russian soldiers) who had helped liberating my country from the Ottoman rule (1887-1888). The basilica has 12 bells with total weight of 23 tons.

Above: a detail of an outside wall of the cathedral.


  1. Sofia looks nice, you think we should go there on a weekend?

  2. its a completely different beauty than other European capitals(no old part because it was fully distroyed in WW2), but worth visiting!also because of the cuisine...

  3. Thw weather, i see only lovely blue skies in he background... Lovely city indeed. Strolling around would be great!

  4. Hi Jana,

    I am writing a blog post about Sofia and I found some very nice pictures on your site. Can I use some of them, citing your site as the author? My blog is (in Italian language) and I am writing about various cities, mostly in Europe.



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