Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Gelato Calabrese:-)

gelato italiano

Is it me, or does just Italian ice-cream always taste better when one
is on Italian ground? Dont get me wrong, i dont complaint. I am a very
happy person to have right next door a real Italian "gelateria" in the
middle of the Netherlands ("Talamini" in Rijswijk). And I do enjoy to chat in
Italian when the boss serves me, but still...Italian gelato plus
Italian air and ambiente makes the unbeatable mix:-) Nocciola,
fragola, stracciatela, hmmmmm...yumyum!

Gelato Flavours

In Calabria, Gelateria Tonine (in Tropea) I was impressed to found even more creative flavours of ice-creams: such as a gelato with onions, with olives or the black ink from the calamari...

Gelato tartufo Calabria

Extremely famous is the "Tartufo"ice-cream, which a round ball of gelato (usually a mix of 2 flavours), chocolate and some (fruity) siryp in the middle...Alora, as summer time is THE ice-cream time: BUON appetito a tutti :-)))


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