Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Friday 4 June 2010

Tropea: blue and beautiful!

Tropea Fontaine

Tropea view to sea

The famous bathing place Tropea is located on the top of 40m-high-rock in the Calabrian province Vibo Valentia! This medieval town charmes its visitors while they walk in the tiny streets, between its majestic stone buildings. The cozy cafes invite you for a "gelato" or "cappuccino" in the sun. At the same time the blue-turquoise water colours grabs your sight as a magneet and would not let it.....

Tropea town

Tropea Town

The most known place of interest, the church of Santa Maria della Isola, was packed for renovation...

Tropea church

I really enjoyed my stroll in Tropea and stopping by at different small shops with local specialties such as Calabrian honey, aubergines in jars, dried peperoncini...a real must for gourmands!:-)

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