Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 31 October 2010

Italian food in Roma...

Italian food is an inseparable part of the travel experience....It is not only the pizzas and pasta that turns every visit to Italy into a real gourment-experience...Its is all around it: the fresh products, the simple but extremely delicious dishes, the way and the love with which they are prepared.

I entered for lunch a small family restaurant in Trastevere, and stayed like glued for 5 minutes on to so yummy-looking the antipasti-buffet. A paradise for all veggie-lovers: grilled eggplants, cooked broccoli, fresh mozzarella, fried courgettes, and, and...And of course dont forget the sweets for the end...


  1. indeed, my fave is only spag with fresh tomato ... yummy indeed!

    . Cool huh!

  2. My alexa rank rose with about 600K rank.:) Not bad and it is still risingconstantly. Maybe I can hit the 300K rank at the end of this week.

    Your comment was replied here too. Thanks.

  3. "Italian food is an inseparable part of the travel experience."
    Totally agree.
    My friend was pretty annoyed when a British couple she was traveling with insisted on eating at MacDonald's all throughout their journey in Italy. I think they decided to have their meals separately!


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