Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Friday 5 November 2010

Brandhorst Museum in München

One of the the newest museum in the Munich "Museumareal" is the Brandhorst Museum. Its doors opened in July 2009. The building is really impressive with its colourful fassade. It contains 36 000 ceramic bars in 23 different colours...With the autumn sun shining on them, it was a masterpiece on it own!

The museum hosts a modern art collection including paintings, sculptures and even a huge display window with....pills:-)


  1. The second to the last photo looks amazing. I can't identify what's that though...

  2. dear WebbieLady, thanks for the the second picture one may see on the right the museum itself; top and down part are covered with the ceramic bars in diff. colours; between those two areas w have some windows which reflect the blue sky...hope this helps:)

  3. Nope... not the second photo but the second to the last photo... that would be the fourth photo... what is that? strings? designed strings or something? Is that something temporary or permanent?


  4. so, the fourth pic from the top (or the second from below:) represents as mentioned in the text a display window full with pills, all different shapes, colours and size:)

  5. medicines? like tablets? or bottles?


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