Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Monday 15 November 2010

Mushroom time in HogeVeluwe, Gelderland

With the start of the autumn season and the humid weather, the kingdom of mushrooms appears in the low lands...For example, in the Nationalpark of HogeVeluwe in the region Gelderland, an incredible collection of different mushrooms is on display as of September. Different species and colours awaits to be photographed...Sometimes there was even a queue from photography-addicts.

Of course, the more beautiful they are, the more dangerous too...And as a bonus I have spotted this tiny and curious baby frog...


  1. the last photo is magical.

    are they edible?

  2. thank you dear Rojen:)i have heart that its not edible, but some people told me that its not really dangerous...just causing some....hmmmm...hallucination...dont know for sure:)

  3. Hoi Jana
    De Hoge Veluwe..Een prachtig natuurgebied waar altijd wat te zien/beleven valt.
    Waar vind je de Vos?:
    In de Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen Bij de schuilhut Duizendmeterweg...Daar is meestal de rugtasvos.
    Ingang Panneland..rechtdoor (verharde weg aan houden tot eindbestemming) dan rechts..en dan lopt nu net zolang door tot je een schuilhuisje zet. Daar zit hij
    Gr henk


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