Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 21 November 2010

Warshaw at a first glance...

Today I would like to you meet the symbol of Warshaw, the Palace of culture and science, as well as the monument of the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus. The Polish capital is a pretty interesting mix of architecture. The city shocks with its giant beton buildings and impresses with the colourful and warm ambiente of the old town. Huge advertisements make some parts of the center looks like an enormous bilboard, while on a cold November day the grey buildings from the 20th century do not help you feel any warmer....

However, a lot of art-deco details may be encountered all over the center, as the lamp i have added here. Of course not to be missed is the Polish cuisine. I just loved my forest mushroom soup...yummy!

Another nice experience are the muscial benches, which play for you some pieces of Chopin, another famous Polish...My next entry will take you on a stroll through the cozy Stare Miasto, the cozy old town.


  1. Looks like an interesting city, but what are you eating there?????

  2. the Polish cuisinse contains a lot of meat dishes, but as per the picture above I have enjoyed a fresh forest mushroom soup, served in a bread pot:)was really delicious:)


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