Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Friday 13 May 2011

The city of Hoorn

Hoorn is a very cozy and beautiful city situated 35 km north of Amsterdam. "Hoorn" means cape and the town is really located on a tongue of land located in Ijselmeer. Its center offers a few lovely buildings. One is definitely the Westfries Museum (first and second picture).

Some years ago Hoorn was having the biggest kaasmarkt in Noord-Holland. In the building (third picture), where once the town "waag" (balance) was located, there is a nice restaurant now. The city has a very beautifulold harvour, there will be a separate blog entry about it.


  1. Unexpected colors from those buildings! :) Enjoy Sofia...

  2. Hoi Jana
    Hoorn..Een gezellige stad aan het Ijselmeer. Met zijn prachtige haven en zijn terrasjes.
    Jij komt ook overal hé!:)
    Gr Henk

  3. i am indeed going around the world with you, thanks for sharing Jana.

  4. Hey, i've been there when i was working at EPO! It was during THE most snowing weekend...amazing to see the freezed ijsselmeer :) I ate in a small harbour café...nice ambiance there! Xxx


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