Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 8 May 2011

Oostvaarderplassen, the nature reserve in province Flevoland

The nature reserve Oostvaarderplassen (known as OVP) is located in the Dutch province Flevoland, in a polder created in 1968. In order to prevent the area of becoming a woodland (which would lower the habitat value for water birds), a number of large herbivores were brought in (red deer and Konik ponies, small size horses).

Nowadays the area is a favourite place for people who would like to enjoy a piece of nature north of Amsterdam. One may spot plenty of different birds and water birds, next to them several horses, deers and hairy cows live also here. The are where the large herbivores are living is closed for the public, but several parts are open for walk. I had the chance o admire some colourful butterflies, awesome bird concert, very friendly horses.

There are two visitors centers. One is located at the north entrance of the park, close to Lelystad - "Bezoekerzentrum Oostvaarderplassen". The second one is called "Natuurbelevingszentrum de Oostvaarders" and is not far from Almere station.


  1. Those horses are wild, aren't they? They don't haveowners, right? I am curious because I was told when we biked to Millingen Tea Garden that these are wild...

    That would bemore exciting to ride...the non-tamed ponies/horses...:=)


  2. Ha butterflies, your trade mark

  3. je hebt mooie beelden weten te maken in de oostvaarders plassen.
    En je tulpen velden zijn ook heel mooi gedaan. Prachtig al de kleurtjes.

    Groetjes Von

  4. Hoi Jana
    Leuk dat je de OVP Oostvardersplassen bezocht hebt..Zo te zien bij het bezoekerscentrum op de Knardijk.
    Mooi hé..die Konikpaarden..
    Gr Henk

  5. Hi Jana - thanks for stopping by my blog! I have been very remiss as I am currently back in Tokyo and don't have the equipment. Nice to see you've been traveling to some very nice places.


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