Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Theefabriek in Houwerzijl/ Great tea museum in Groningen

The "Theefabriek" is located in an old church in the tiny village Houwerzijl. It represents the only tea museum in the Netherlands. A beautiful garden welcomes the visitos to have a tea outside, after one had visited the museum and enjoyed the huge tea shop with over 500 different tea sorts...
A must for all tea-lovers spending a day in the Dutch province Groningen!


  1. Nice pose, like a model :-)

  2. THE place to be for you ;-)

  3. You're a real tea person.... 300 different tea kinds? Inever heard that much!

    Hi Hélène! How are you? This is Roj... I changed my "webname"...

    Filipina Ini's Places

  4. I tasted one of them yesterday! yeheyyyy! :=)

  5. have to second Filip, nice pose, like a model :)

    and that's one huge tea kettle, awesome piece. i love tea too, but never had more than a hundred variety i believe.

  6. @dear all: thanks for the compliments and nice words:-)
    @dear Filipina Ini: the 300 kinds includes black, green, white tea as well as herbal and rooibos and next to this all kinds of parfumed green or black tea plus mixes of green/black tea with different local herbs and flowers (from the last kind I got 2 different ones: one is called Engels and the second Inspiration)....the mixes are done by the Theefarbriek themselves;


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