Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Cozy bar Taba&co in Sofia

Tabaco Bar Sofia
Tabaco Bar Sofia

Today I am gonna whistle-blow to you a very favourite location of mine in Sofia. Perfect on a hot or warm summer day, when looking for some refreshing shade. The "Taba&co bar" (6A "Moskovska" Street), glued on the back of the yellow ex-Palace, now National Gallery of art, is a cozy place for a stop and/or also to meet friends for chat and drinks. I love their creative menu with fresh pressed juices (of course they have also alcoholic cokctails and more). The whole bar is decorated in art-nouveau style and in the garden next to the bar several statues are also contributing to the art-flavour! 
Tabaco Bar Sofia

Tabaco Bar SofiaTabaco Bar Sofia

In the evening the bar becomes a night club, usually on weekends. While in the winter the place is pretty smaller as the terass is closed, but It is however lovely sipping on a warm drink and gazing the snow-covered statues and trees in front...


  1. The guy next to you on the terrace look a bit frigid.


  2. are so right...he was/is made out of stone, I have not seen him changing posture for years:-))

  3. i like the artistic style of the chairs...

  4. checking new places from around the wold...


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