Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Thursday 1 September 2011

Colourful street art in Sofia city center...

This summer the street Shishman in the city center of Sofia was closed several times for street performances. End of June before the first closure of this kind creative local artists decided to make the street a touch more colourful and beautiful...So they started painting the ugly grey electricity boxes there....and now we have some masterpieces which stay and make pedestrians smile or stop for a look or picture!

Very often people ask me if I dont see the holes in the streets, the old fassade of some buildings, the begging persons in the street...Yes, I do see them, yes it hurts. But thats why I like to share here the good pcitures, the happy souvenirs, the ones who brings smiles on faces! I look for the signs of the incredible, the different, the good spirit...and I found it this time in a bunch of painted boxes:-))) and say thanks and BRAVO to the artists...


  1. Mmm, I think I need to visit Sofia once.


  2. Nice photos. I don't know how you manage to travel so much. :)

  3. So glad you appreciate street art too! Love this.

  4. The first phot looks so cool with that reader...:=)

  5. thanks for sharing the happy pictures, if you did not share the story behind the other side of those pictures, i wouldn't have an idea.

  6. thank you very much dear blogger-friends!
    @Murasaki: Sofia is my home town;-)about the rest sometimes I dig interesting places from my archive (like the Austrian entries) where I have been some time/years ago:-)

  7. Such colourful art (very nice pictures) which makes every town more
    C+J (back home)


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