Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Friday 5 August 2011

Murnau and the summer house of Kandinsky and Münter...

After an hour drive from Munich one arrives in the cute and cozy village Murnau, south of the big city.
Here on the top of one hill the summer residence of Gabrielle Münter and Wasil Kandinsky invites all impressionist lovers for some great discoveries...There are not a lot of paintings, but other treasures are there. Both artists painted almost all firniture int he house themselves...
So one may admire cupboards, tables, beds and stairs decorated with flowers, people and more. In front of the house a beautiful garden offers an amazing view to th village center...A great stop and worth visiting if you love impressionism or are fan of the group "der blaue Reiter".


  1. I have never been there. You write on very special topics in the Munich area.


  2. that bee picture is amazing. hope you are having a great weekend.

  3. You nevermiss getting a shot from nature...

  4. Never been to Munich yet but I see many stuff from their from your posts and from Filip's posts too!


  5. Hoi Jana
    Wat een bijzonder huisje..jij komt ook overal ook :)..Ook een eerdere log China town (Den Haag)..En Munchen..Die cactus :)..
    Hij neemt daar wel risico's :)
    En dan die mooie waterlelie tuin..
    Groetjes Henk


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