Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Monday 24 October 2011

Forest mushroom discovery walk in Utrechtse Heuvelrug/ Paddestoelentocht

On a perfect sunny autumn day, guided by two experienced musshroom experts, we went for a forest mushroom-seeing in the Dutch National Park Utrechtse Heuvelrug. It is really amazing how many big, medium or really tiny mushrooms and sponges are growing there! With a hep of a mirror one could also examin the hidden part of the musshroom: the side under its hood:-)
The more beautful or exotic a mushroom look, the more dangerous and poisonous it is...You may see this on the pictures attached. The red-hood mushroom, known as the "fly agaric" (on third picture) and the round yellow balls on the ground, called "pigskin poison puffball" (poc below) are two good examples.


  1. Nice pictures, I hope you are not trying to eat some of these mushrooms.


  2. oh, wow, so many wonderful mushroom shots, love all of them, and thanks for sharing the tip how to study the details of mushroom through a mirror.

  3. Once again so very, very beautiful pictures of the nature. Are you collecting sometimes mushrooms by your own for eating?

  4. Hoi Jana
    Wat leuk..De Utrechtse Heuvelrug..Een groot en mooi gebied ..En wat een slim idee met die spiegel (moet ik voortaan ook maar meenemen) De Vliegenzwam is wel de bekendste paddenstoel..Mar je vind hem niet zo eenvoudig als het lijkt...
    Prachtige serie.
    Groetjes Henk

  5. thank U dear all!
    @Filip: no, we learned which ones are the dangerous ones and to avoid them...
    @C&J: Nico went collecting some with experienced friends in the French forest next to his parents place and we did a very yummy mushroom-risotto:-)
    @Henk: er waren heel veel champignons...really amazing!

  6. Fantastic mushroom photos. A wonderful walk. Thank you very much for sharing this.


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