Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Autumn colours and quinces in Filstrof&Lorraine

Its again this colourful time of the year, when nature paints the world around us in all rainbow nuances and presents us with its treasures.
Orange pumpkins and golden apples, fresh pears and shiny yellow quinces-the autumn harvest is always a happy time...Quinces are really special nature gifts. Even if they resemble the apple and pear, their aroma and taste is completely different. I had enjoyed them in fresh pressed apple-quince-juice or in quince-gelee...Very exquisite fruit...some people even talk about it as the almost forgotten fruit...

I met also a cute field mouse...


  1. Hoi Jana
    Wat leuk dat je die veldmuis op de foto kreeg..(snelle beestjes)Wat leuk dat je trouwens naar de Utrechtse Heuvelrug bent geweest..Ga ik even lezen en bekijken.
    Gr Henk

  2. Great pictures and I think I know this guy on the ladder,


  3. Lovely photos of the fall harvest, Jana. I'm visiting you from Filip. (Your former post made me hungry!)

  4. Wonderful photos from this fruits of autumn. Beautiful !


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