Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Monday 31 October 2011

(some) impressions of delicious Sicilian food...

One reason to love Sicily (and Italy) is for sure its cuisine! Once in Sicily there is a complete new culinary world to be discovered...A mix of European, Arabic and other influences melted in the Sicilian cooking pot and will let/make you lick your fingers...Let start with a plate of freshly grilled veggies and a plate of home-made pasta with fresh seafood! Or what about the trattoria del Pino in Palermo where our Friend Augostino brought us to have lunch like locals: some pasta with meat+potatoes and I enoyed yummy grilled fish...

Dont forget to try the local refreshing delight, no  not an ice-cream, but a "granita di limone"...and on the day after get some more clams ("cozze e vongole") :-) on pasta or just cooked in a big pot:-))) There is so much more to discover: the "arancini" (rice balls filled with meat or mozarella or both), the "caponata" (fried eggplant and onion with tomatoes)...but hey, I wont tell you all the secrets, go and spoil your eyes+stomach!


  1. The food looks so delicate. It is always better to eat in restaurants where the local people have their meals....

  2. That's a whole fish in your plate. Very special.


  3. Hoi Jana..
    Ja heerlijk..Nu ben ik ook een echte vis liefhebber..En als ik in het buitenland bent..Dan neem ik graag vis (op drukke plekjes)..
    Jullie zitten daar weer heerlijk te genieten..
    Gr Henk

  4. thankU!
    @Filip: there are actually two fishes in my plate:-))
    @Henk: wij zijn all terug, het was in September...

  5. Lovely pictures Jana

    Thanks for your comment

    greetings, Joop

  6. oh, love all those foods, look so delicious.


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