Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Thursday 29 December 2011

La Réunion and its fruits...

Here we are, this time live from the French territory "La Réunion" in the Indian ocean. This volcanic island is situated between south Madagaskar and Mauritus island and is 63 kilometres long by 45 kilometres wide...End of december its like the beginning of the summer here, so a lot oflocal fruits are available. For first time in my life I have not only seen trees hanging down with kilos of litchis (known and called by locals "letchis"), I had also the big pleasure to go collect some myself with our local friend Jojo! Under the letchi trees some local wildlife (a frog and a butterfly were very kind to pose for a picture too). On the way back a mango-tree dropped few fruits for us...
Back from the letchi gardens I had another very important task: to collect all ripe passion fruits in the garden of our friends:-)) What a fruity experience...

Below you can admire the first evening changed in different colours within an hour, simply fantatsic:
More reportages to come very soon! Next will be the amazing "Jardin des parfums et epices"!


  1. This is paradise for you because you love fruit. When I saw the first picture, I was taught that Nico changed a lot but on the last picture, I saw it was someone else. Enjoy the year end party, not closing.


  2. love lychee too,you are so lucky and blessed to be enjoying all these fresh fruits and beautiful sunset and scenery. Happy new Year.

  3. Wir kommen gerade vom Sec Pate. Es waren haushohe Wellen und Ströhmung wie beim vorbeifahrenden TGV. Trotzdem war es wie ein Traum vom grand bleu... Liebe Grüße aus dem Paradies, ins Paradies. J&C


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