Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Münchener Mittelalter-Weihnachtsmarkt/ Munich Middle-Age-Christmas market

For six years in a row on Wittelsbacher Platz (close to Odeonsplatz) one may visit (while living in the 21-st century) a Middle-Age-Christmas market....Its quiet a nice experience to sight the cute wooden houses and the way drinks and smoked fish are prepared "the old-fashined way"...Munich Christmas fairs go back to late medieval time. A "Saint-Nicolas-fair" is mentioned already back in 1410!
Nowadays one may enjoy he working craftsman and women and buy their art...Its a great Weihnachtsmarket, make sure to dress well, because if its not snowy and freezing, it might be raining+windy!

Next to clothes, spices, juwelery, one may also enjoy medieval spectacles and ancient music concerts on the weekends.


  1. Did you buy a pair of these animal slip ons.


  2. :-) very good question!
    I was hesitating...but I did not at the end, the weather was a bit too unpleasant...

  3. Lovely x-mas market Janna

    I wish you a merry Christmas and all the best for 2012.

    Greetings, Joop

  4. very colorful market, hope you are having a wonderful Christmas season


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