Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Monday 26 March 2012

Musee de la Graine, Trois-Rivieres/ The seed museum in Guadeloupe, Trois-Rivieres

A fantastic way to see, learn and touch different local and not so local seeds is offered during the guided visit of the green Seeds Museum ("La Musee de la Graine"), which is a private garden on the top of a hill in Trois Rivieres, facing the archipelago les Saintes...The owner Pippo moved here some 14 years when he bought the property and started planting his favourite trees and bushes. Nowadays he enjoys showing the visitors also his atelier where he creates with his home-grown seeds different masterpieces: jewellery for women and men (like colliers) or selection of seeds as decoration for walls, tables and other furniture...
The variety of colours, shape and texture is simply amazing and almost overwhelming...For every tree and seed Pippo has a story, either about its origin or about its usage health influence. The so called "blue seed" or "holy seed" (on the last picture) is for example used by the monks in Tibet and is supposed to positively influence the health of everyone caring it...


  1. That's a strange museum, I love the box full of colours.


  2. what a very interesting museum, like Filip, love the box full of colorful seeds too

  3. Lovely pictures Jana, museum must be interesting.

    Warm greetings, Joop

  4. Thank you for this interesting post, Jana. I believe the positive influence of seeds to people as they contain the secret of life and growth. They are so beautifully arranged in the box showing off different shapes and beautiful colors.

  5. Hello Jana,
    Great shots of all these seeds and wonderful to see how these people live there.
    It must be fantastic for you to have been there. You've seen a lot of the world Jana!!

    Much greetings,

  6. Hallo Ihr zwei, wir wollten im letzten Urlaub auch hin, hatten aber leider Pech und es war geschlossen. Aber Eure Bilder animieren uns es erneut zu versuchen und beim nächsten Gwada-Urlaub dieses kleine Museum erneut aufzusuchen.
    Viele Grüße

  7. I've seen a lot of decorative pieces designed with different seeds and stones and I am always fascinated with their beauty !



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