Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Friday 23 March 2012

Underwater colours in les Saintes

While waiting for the spring colours (+ all flowers in the Netherlands) I would love to take you on a dive today with me in underwater colours of the island group les Saintes...I have written earlier about this paradise place (part of the French Caribbean, under Guadeloupe), but now I would like to elaborate on all the hidden beauties: the ones under the water surface...
Before one goes underwater one may not imagine all the huge diversity of colours, shapes and inhabitants. Next to colourful rocks and caves (see first picture), one should also watch out for the tiny and shiny locals. The famous "crabe tour Eiffel" (second picture) and the cleaning shrimps (last picture) need a closer look before one may enjoy them...


  1. It is a completely different world. Amazing beauty.


  2. Magical, Jana. I'd never see these wonders if it weren't for you. Such a vivid watery world!

  3. oh, what a very beautiful and wonderful world underwater.

  4. One doesn't see these colors and creatures everyday. Thank you for the underwater journey.

  5. Hello Jana,
    Wonderful shots!! Nice to see these all under water. It's amazing!!

    Greetings, Marco

  6. Die Rotfeuerfische sind faszinierend. Sie schwimmen ganz elegant und etwas kokett zwischen den Korallen. Liebe Grüße J&C


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