Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Monday 2 April 2012

About the turtles in les Saintes/ Les tortues des Saintes, Guadeloupe

This entry is dedicated to these amazing, friendly and soooo loveable creatures, the turtles! One may meet them often (sometimes ago even several per every single dive) in les Saintes. Unfortunately lately this is not so sure anymore. The fishing kills yearly almost 100 of them, as they get stuck in the net and die...They die because the people are putting traps in their element trying to get more and more fish from the over fished sea. Another problem in les Saintes is the local speciality called "lambi". Five months every year the fisherman here are allowed to fish this shell . Unfortunately for the turtles, these are the nets they get stuck in...Thanks to Claire, my diving master&friend and very good ami with the local turtles, I know what I am aware of now. And I know we can take care of them, because noone wants an ocean without turtles!
So this blog is trying to raise awareness: please don't order "lambi"-dish if you want to see/keep the turtles in our oceans! Look at the pictures, smile with them and next time protect them!


  1. Fantastic colours and these turtles are bigger than I imagened.


  2. Amazing, Jana! The photography makes me feel as though I'm under the sea seeing the turtles for myself.

  3. wow, such beautiful pictures!

  4. Träume nicht Dein Leben, sondern lebe Deinen Traum! Was für wunderbare Lebewesen Schildkröten doch sind...

  5. I promise not to order 'lambi' and I too wants to see the turtles to stay alive for another thousand years!

    Thanks for visiting and I have a feeling that I will be a regular here :D


  6. Wow, and wow! Is it you who is swimming along with the turtles in the photo? It’s fun and relaxing to see them swimming freely in the ocean. In Japanese fable, they are believed to live up to ten thousand years. I wish them live long. Commercial fishing must be regulated.


  7. oh, what very beautiful images, Jana. wish, wish, I could do something like you do and take good pictures underwater like you did!

  8. Wonderful work and with beautiful compliments.

    Greetings, Joop

  9. thank you so much dear all!

    @Daniel:nice to read this:-)

    @Yoko: Its my diving-master and turtle friend Claire:-)How interesting the detail from the Japanese fable; actually they live up to some 50-75 years (if they manage to escape all the dangers created by us, humans); some tortoises can make it up to 150 years...

  10. That is so neat to swim/dive with the giant turtle. How exciting!

  11. Hello Jana,
    These images are great. Really fantastic to see this world underwater. It must be great to do this.

    Much greetings and Happy Easter,

  12. Oh I am really impressed at your photos -- how lovely those underwater scenes are. Scuba diving must be really fun, but am still scared !!


  13. These photos are so clear and bright and beautiful. What an amazing experience it must have been. The turtle looks so friendly, almost like a pet.

  14. Wow, what an incredible experience this must have been!
    Unfortunately some even prefer to eat turtles and the way they kill them... is something I wish I could forget I've seen on TV!
    I honestly can't understand such gastronomic customs. I find them stupid, snobbish and selfish and they should be stopped, just like similar ones (i.e. fois gras) or like intensive commercial fishing.

    Thank you for your visit and comment on my blog and have a great day!


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