Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Saturday 7 April 2012

Underwater movies from les Saintes, Guadeloupe

Today I would love to show you the underwater life, beauty and colours in movies...Enjoy the abundance of fish, sponges&corals and the cute little turtle in the last movie:-))

In the next video you will meet the cute porcupine fish (in French "diodon"), who can inflate like a ball, when it gets scared.

And as promised a turtle swimming against the current...


  1. Traumhaft! Fantastique! фантастичен! Die Schildkröte ist soooo niedlich...

    Wir sind gerade aus den Dolomiten wieder zurück. Wenn ich es könnte, würde ich mich gleich in den Flieger nach Gwada & Les Saintes setzen....

    Hoffentlich bist Du wieder Gesund!

    Frohe Ostern Euch beiden und viel Spass beim Ostereier Suchen, wünschen Euch J&C

  2. Dear Jana, thanks for visiting my blog. Your videos are very interesting and images are gorgeous.
    But you haven't followers in tour blog? I add you in my blogroll.

  3. I forgot to wish you an Happy Easter.
    Ciao from Italy. I like very much your Holland.nninga houru

  4. Sorry I wrote the captcha in the comment

  5. Amazing videos. There are however many sea eagles. Careful for the feet.


  6. Hello Jana,
    These video's are amazing!! Wonderful all the colors and a beautifully clear image.
    One word, FANTASTIC!!!

    Much greetings,

  7. Hoi Jana
    Je filmpjes zijn geweldig..vooral de laatste met de schildpad!
    Maar ook je logje eerder met de schildpad..Wat een geweldige foto's / ervaring ..heerlijk om dat zo te zien. Ja...Laten we zuinig op ze zijn!
    Groetjes Henk

  8. How wonderful. Loved seeing how the turtle moves and also the spines on the sea urchins swaying with the currents.

  9. I admire.

    That is a very good experience.

  10. oh, wish i were there too, the underwater world is really very amazing.


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