Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Thursday 12 April 2012

The French Caribbean cuisine/ la cuisine creole aux Antilles Francaises

Lately I have realised lately that I have never posted about the amazing and so yummy "cuisine creole", the one in the French Caribbean...So get ready to see some mouth watering dishes, more or less known or unknown to you veggies+fruits and some more! I will start with my absolutely favourite dish: "cassolette de chatrou". Depending on where one orders it it could be cooked with different spices, but the main ingredient is octopus... Another very exquisite dish is the grilled spiny lobster. Of course fresh seafood is a daily great catch here, mostly the fish is prepared on the BBQ or with the local flavours (peppers, cumin, ginger). The dishes are never really too spicy. One get often the so called "sauce chien" (the dog sauce) , which is finely chopped red peppers in oil and vinegar-something if you need more fire:-)).
Above is the most famous Caribbean starter ("les accras"), warm cod-fritters. They perfectly suits to a cold beer or a glass of rum or rum cocktail.
There are plenty of restaurants held by locals, who do use a lot of the root-veggies like cassava, taro or the local pumpkin and breadfruit for delicious gratins and purees!
Of course I have also prepared some home-made sushi plate with fresh fish fillet...
And last but not lest the famous "tourment d amour", the pastry of les Saintes filled with cocos, pineapple or guava marmalade!


  1. Looks like a special lobster. Have never seen one with such a tentacle.


  2. they all look yummy, and everything sounds yummy, I love sea foods, and it feels like heaven to have all these :)

  3. @Filip: its is the spiny lobster ("langouste" in French);

  4. Thank goodness it's soon dinnertime! Yummy!

  5. Thanks for your nice post and the present which arrived today. C. was on cloude nine after opening the envelope...merci beaucoup.

  6. Gnam gnam , very good dear Jana. Wish you a nice Sunday.Erika from Italy

  7. Zou reageren ook in 't Nederlands kunnen, Jana ? My English will be ful of mistakes...
    Nice blog !

  8. I have not seen such interesting dishes. The spiny lobster is huge! Was all this food in one sitting?

  9. thank you dear all!
    @AVCr8teur : indeed thelobster are big there;
    nope to your last question, these were dishes of several people on different days:-)

  10. awww looking at those yummy foods make me hungry !

  11. ik krijg nu wel trek. Je hebt een leuke blog. Ik kom er een ander keer nog uitgebreider op terug. Groetjes Dietmut


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