Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Birds in Holland or about birds in my backyard...

There are plenty of birds in the low lands...even though the Netherlands are the most crowded country in Europe one can stop seeing birds at every corner. some like water (this is where they live and catch their food), others fly around (and sometimes even inside our flat like the loud green parakeets), another just sing, sit on the tree and enjoy their freedom.
On my pictures you may enjoy the following beauties:
- Green Parakeet (in French "Conure Verte")
- Great Crested Grebe ( in German "Haubentaucher", FR: "Grèbe huppé", in NL: "Fuut", in BG. "Голям гмурец");
- (male) Pheasant (in German "Fasan", in FR "Faisan", in BG "див фазан");
- Grey heron (in German "Graureiher", in FR "heron", in BG "Сива чапла");
- Great spotted woodpecker (in German "Buntspecht", in FR "Pic épeiche", in BG "пъстър кълвач");

All birds in this entry I have encountered from my balcony, in my street or in the near-by park where I go jogging:-))


  1. Good pictures, we are so lucky that Holland has so many birds in the wild that we can enjoy. At first I thought these were all taken in your garden.


  2. Prachtig, Jana !
    't Lijkt wel de zoo in je tuin... !
    Ook zo kleurrijk !

  3. Very nice birds and shots well done. Ciao from italy

  4. Such colorful birds to see so close to home! And, thanks for the language lesson. :)

  5. Prachtige beestjes! Xxx

  6. The birds are already in spring mood...very nice pictures.
    Best wishes from "Ländle"

  7. Looks like that Grebe caught some lunch! It would be so spectacular to see vivid parakeets flying about.

  8. Hello Jana,
    Wonderful to see all these birds. Th grebe with the fish in his beak is a great moment in your shot.

    Much greetings,

  9. Wonderful to be able to see so many colourful birds close to home, especially considering your dense population. Great photos.

  10. Dank je wel voor je reactie bij mijn blog.
    Je maakt mooie foto`s, ik ga straks nog even verder kijken in je blog.
    Wat een super moment die Fuut met vis!
    Groetjes Greet

  11. beautiful bird photos....their colored wings beautifully captured brought a huge smile on my face...

  12. wow, i don't think i have ever seen a pheasant here, that sure looks so beautiful, and the rest of the birds too.

  13. prachtige foto's en dan zo dichtbij huis genomen. Fijn weekend, Dietmut

  14. Those who just sing, sit on the tree and enjoy their freedom must be celebrity.

  15. We also have Great Crested Grebe in Australia! Amazing that it is in two countries that are so different!!


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