Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Hospital for baby seals in Norddeich, Ostfriesland/ Seehundenstation in Norddeich

Over 5500 seals were counted in 2010 from a plane by an attempt to get a number of these cute animals living around the German Eastfrisian islands... However their every day life nowadays is not as easy as some years ago. The dirty sea water and the increased amount of viruses make the little ones often sick. When this happens the seal hospital in Norddeich is there to take care of them. Once they are healed, they are put back into the wild...While visiting the "Seehundenstation" one may meet these little ones playing the water or sunbathing in the sun. Next to this one can learn more about ehri life, habits and the things which make them sick...
However they need to relax in quiet and sunshine in order to get better very soon!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Dutch canals and ducklings, ooops sorry baby coot in Rijswijk

In spring time the Dutch canals become the nesting place for a lot of birds: like the mallards (wild ducks) the coots, the geese in the Netherlands. Right in front of the entrance of my house a coot family has its nest and 3 weeks ago the 6 babies coot came out.
At the beginning they were black with funny red-yellow hairs (like hats) on the top of their heads...2 weeks after the colourful hairs disappear and they start to look more and more similar to their parents...The parents are now very busy fetching food (some green leave and other greenish pieces) out of the water and teaching them how to it themselves.

I made few videos as well: enjoy them:-)

Saturday 19 May 2012

Fluffy dandelions in Rijswijk, Holland...

Every spring one of the first flowers to greet the warming sun is the yellow dandelion! Funny enough at the end of its stay with us this flower tranforms to a very fluffy white ball...Few days ago I spent some time looking closely to this fluffy plant and took into pictures some of its spectacular details! One may also use its leaves in the salad, they are a bit acid, but mixed with other salad sorts makes a fresh meal;

Sunday 13 May 2012

Austria and Vienna seen from the air...

The other day while flying back home I was totally mesmerised by the fantastic green views from the air shortly before, above and after Vienna (my flight had a stop over there)...First I had some green-yellow fields, then the city architecture and then..... some differently green-coloured fields. Enjoy!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Farmers market in Buding, Lorraine/ Marché fermier á la Ferme du Moulin á Buding

Today I would like you to meet the colourful inhabitants of the amazing Ferme du Moulin in the tiny village Buding, in Lorraine, France. The farm was holding a cozy market of local products such as home-made bread, sausages, jams. A honey producer and veggie-grower from the neighbourhood were present too...
I really enjoyed making a round and discovering the animals living there: the white peacocks were lazy in the green grass, the funny turkey cock was making weird noise all the time (being annoyed by the people watching him), the black baby pigs were sleeping (keeping each other warm by being one above the other)...
...the beautifully coloured cows were enjoying the shadow of the blooming apple trees...


Sunday 6 May 2012

Wild fox babys in the forest, Lorraine

It was such an incredible experience to meet the young fox babys in the French forest this Monday, that I have decided to post also the video of one of them too:-) and two more pictures...

There were 5 fluffy balls that rolled down the hill till they reach us, three nature-loving hikers...Then they stayed with us for few minutes:-)

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Spring nature in Lorraine, France

This long weekend we have been enjoying the colours and beauty of spring nature in and around Filstroff, a cozy&tiny village in Lorraine, northeast of France...just some 5 km from the German and and a bit more (22km) from Luxembourg.
Next to the fresh and recharging green&yellow colours of the fields of rape seeds and dandelions, I have also encountered a baby horse (born just 15 days ago) and 4 very playful 1,5/2-months old baby foxes...The last ones rolled down to me on a small hill at the edge of a forest and looked at me with eyes saying "would you like to play with us"?

Did you see the two baby foxes in the pic below (check the left and right corner)...

Yep, spring, sunshine and colours are wonderful and make us all very happy!:-)))