Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Thursday 30 August 2012

In the Italian mountains, the village Stilfs and herbal teas of Siegi and Traude

Welcome to the charming mountain village Stilfs, in the middle of Vinschgau (Südtirol/Alto Adige)! Now please take a a deep breath and let the fresh aroma of the herbal gardens of Siegi Platzer fill in your whole body&soul! In this tiny and cozy place at 1500m the local nature lover&connoisseur Siegi together with his partner Traude grow and collect organic flowers in the middle of the National Park Stilfser Joch. Their herbal tea collections and dried cooking plants are heaven not only for tea lovers. The mixtures take you on the trip in colours, flavours and pleasure, without any added aromas (and no green or black tea leaves)...

Today I will take you behind the scenes and we may see how Siegi and Traude collects every day the flowers on their herbal fields. In the middle of the rainbow colours of marigolds, mallows, cornflowers, chamomile, mint and sage...after the picking process you are also welcome to have a look in the colourful herbs drying hall...Last but not least once dried the manually collected herbs are mixed to different aromatic combination just before being dispatched to the final customer. If you are curious about the available flowers and plants as well as tea mixtures, please visit their absolutely beautiful homepage.

And below is a panorama of the village where the teas of Siegi and Traude grow and collect the Italian sun, Stilfs!


  1. Looks very interesting, I can see you have a good time.


  2. Ach, Jana, een van de mooi(st)e stukjes van de wereld...
    'k Ruik de bloemen en kruiden, 'k proef ze...

  3. I love very much Sud Tirolo where I was last year.
    Wish you a good vacation. Nice shots.

  4. The butterflies and bees are certainly attracted to the aromas and vivid colors. Your photos are wonderful. I hope you bought some tea to take home!

  5. weer een fijne serie Jana. Oogsten van de bloemen leuk om e zien.

  6. Beautiful images. The colors are so bright and vibrant! Do they add fragrant oils to the dried flowers to make a potpourri? I tried to follow your link but it only gave me an error message.

    I wish you a wonderful and relaxing weekend. :)

  7. I love the panoramic view so much! and yes those colorful petals and lovely wings! and the smiles of everyone here :-)...will view the photos again, brought a lot of smiles on my face tonight...

  8. These are a series of beautiful pictures.

  9. Very picturesque! I can almost see Julie Andrews twirling and singing "The hills are alive with the sound of music.....!" ;)

  10. coucou!! superbes tes photos que du plaisir ce reportage! merci à toi! je suis fan+++ de la montagne!!! bisous

  11. What a glorious place to live or visit. So picturesque and fresh. Must have been delightful to explore the tea and flowers as well as the village/township.

  12. Amazing beauties in an Italian mountain trip, very nice. But a little strange to see the colorful art on the stones and pillars. The summer green in Italy is beautiful.

  13. I love tea and your photos are amazing. Can I buy this tea anywhere ?

  14. beautiful landscape and gorgeous scenery.

  15. You must now be an expert on herbs. How wonderful to grow herbs/flowers and make tea for a living. The place must smell wonderful.

  16. I see the pink and blue cornflowers! Do they add green or black tea leaves or are their teas herbs/flowers alone? I wasn't quite sure from your post.

  17. thank you dear all!
    their different herbal (only) teas may be found(+purchased) on their homepage (!

    @Pieces of Sunshine:you can use only cornflowers too, but its best to mix it with other herbs (like mint or sage) for more aroma; one of my favourite herbal mix of Stilfser Bergkräuter is: mint, mallow, cornflower, calendula,evening primrose;

  18. Thank you Jana, I may have to experiment and see what I can make - or maybe I'll just enjoy looking at the flowers.

  19. Now on Facebook


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