Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Prader Open-Air museum with American-Indian art by Lorenz/ Freilichtmuseum bei Lorenz in Prad, Südtirol

In the middle of the majestic and green North Italian mountains, on the winding road to the famous Stilfser Joch, just after the small Südtiroler village Prad one may encounter an amazing open air museum. The colours of its masterpieces and their shapes are so unusual and exotic, that you will be intrigued already by sighting them from the road...
Since 20 years Lorenz from Südtirol, also know by his American Indian name, the one who talks with the breeze ("der mit dem Winhauch spricht"), exposes his works in front of his house as well as in the middle of his big fruit and veggie garden. The long space between the road and the river is covered with colourful wooden sculptures and manually carved stones. The carvings and painting on the objects of art are inspired by the American Indian and Canadian totems...A guided tour and explanations are proposed to all visitors.
An impressive way to integrate far away culture into the nature of Südtirol!
All the working materials are coming from the nature: fallen down trees, stones smoothed by the river, bones from animals brought by the water...


  1. What a fascinating discovery to find in the Italian mountains.

  2. Héél speciaal, Jana, niet-te-geloven-mooi ! Zelfs 'kunst' tussen de tomaten ! Whaw... !

  3. This is so cool. I love all the bright and colorful art! I would love to visit this place. :) Lovely!

  4. Dat is leuk en vrolijk Jana en wel ook iets heel aparts.

    Jana de site AutoPAno ken ik niet maar ik ga er volgende week naar kijken.Bedankt voor de link

  5. Taling about strange places. Looks nice.


  6. What a gift to be able to walk among these stone and wood sculptures! They look so intricate - I would love to see the display!

  7. At first glance I thought you were in New Zealand as they also have totem poles. A very colourful way to express one's creative interests for all to enjoy.

  8. Very nice art.
    I didn't know this museum.
    Bye bye from Italy.

  9. Bel reportage...complimenti!


  10. What a cool idea! Whoever thought of this is a genius. I rarely go to museums but I wouldn't mind strolling down this one!

  11. A funny place with wonderful scupltures and paintings. Gorgeous !

  12. Beautiful, colorful, exotic, and intriguing! They all made me smile. I’d like to be there in person, but instead I’m glad to be able to see them even through pictures. Thank you, Jana.


  13. wow, these are very colorful and lovely art arrangement.

  14. The colorful faces on the rocks make me smile.


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