Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 9 September 2012

About the herbs, their healing powers and the insects around them

While helping& learning in the herbal farm "Stilfser Bergkräuter" I was spending a lot of time among colourful flowers and came very close to a lot of hungry and thirsty insects....we were meeting every day at the same place around and on the flowers. Not only are we, people, collecting the flowers for teas, but the bees, butterflies and other  insects enjoy their nectar too . If I judge by the aroma of the herbal fields I understand them.
But of course there is the (secret) site of their healing power too. Did you know that:
- the peppermint (pic 1 and 2, in GE "Pfefferminze") delivers good effects by pains in the stomach-intestines-area and by colds;
- the calendula (in pic 3, in GE "Ringelblume") is used (because of its anti-flammatory influence) in cremes for wounds and scars;

- the bea balm (picture 4, in GE "Indianerssel") has an amazing bergamot-aroma and in tea supports us getting rid of nasty colds;
- the white common yarrow (last picture, in GE "Schafgarbe") is helping by problems with the digestive system as well as by women problems;
Last but not least, most of the leaves/blossom may be enjoyed raw, like below I prepared myself a dark bread with goat butter and sage& oregano leaves and fresh flowers from mallow and nasturtium, very yummy was it!


  1. What a lovely post, I envy you your knowledge. Have a good week Diane

  2. Je foto's zijn oogverblindend mooi, Jana. Je boterhammetje ligt er zo uitnodigend bij..., om in te bijten.
    Zelf eet ik ook bloemetjes.
    Bedankt voor de gedeelde wijsheid !

  3. Dark bread with goat butter--what a healthy treat!

    The older folks in our province also say that you can actually pick medicine right from your backyard, if you knew what they are.

    It's cool how you know these things ;)

  4. oh wow, Jana, these are marvelous shots of the critters and flowers, love them.

  5. I knew that peppermint settled an upset stomach but didn't know about the other herbs you mentioned. Thanks so much for sharing that information.

    That last image of the blue butterfly is absolutely gorgeous! :)

  6. I didn't know that butterflies loved herbs and you made yourself a flower dish. It would not be for me, I think.


  7. Hoi Jana
    Prachtig die vlinders..
    Vooral het icarusblauwtje..Dat is echt een hele mooie vlinder!
    Groetjes Henk

  8. Hi Jana,

    your pictures of the butterflies are so lovely...and they remeber us to the butterfly island;-)

  9. Hello Jana!!
    Very wonderful and brightly shots!! Great to see these butterflies. The last shot with the blue one is my favorite, very wonderful these colors!!
    The shot of the bread is very romantic, it looks delicious!!

    Many greetings,

  10. How interesting! I always like to learn about herbs and their effects, but I have not seen them in flower (raw) form, just in a teabag. :) I can't say I have eaten a flower before. The last butterfly looks like a flower, such an unusual color.

  11. Love the creamy bokeh on all your images. The orange and dark purple look really like poppy! Anyway, we've been to kite festival long time ago, love to visit there again :D

  12. Amazing photos from the different flowers in beautiful colors with there visitors. Wonderful !
    Have a nice and sunny weekend, Jana. Higs, Synnöve

  13. Always a bonus to have 2 butterflies in one image !

  14. Lovely pictures. especially in the first. I have never managed to photograph a flying butterfly.

  15. Много красиво! И аз като дете, а и сега похапвам от плодчетата на горския слез. При теб цвета е по-наситен!
    Благодаря ти за посещението в блога ми и за прекрасния коментар!


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