Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Friday 21 December 2012

Bangkok fruit tasting: in the middle of exotic fruit paradise

Bangkok Fruit market
Its not a secret that I am one big fruit junkie. Watermelons, peaches, grapes, cherries, pineapples, just name it....I love them ALL:-) So on my trip to Thailand I was very curious to meet&taste some more exotic to me fruits. And it was not very difficult! Bangkok markets are simply a fruit paradise: rambutan (first picture), jackfruit (second picture:being cut, third picture: right, already prepacked for sale), mangosteen (fourth picture) are just few of all yummy things I tasted (and purchased). 
Bangkok Fruit market
Bangkok Fruit market
Bangkok Fruit market  
This is how the mangosteen (top plate left), love apple and guava (top plate right), dragon fruit (down right) and rambutan look when they are ready to be eaten.-)
There are several different mango sorts and the ones below are ones of the best mangoes I have ever tried...Next on the list "to try" is the famous Thai fruit "durian" (in the left corner on the last picture). It supposed to be pretty stinky and one either loves it or hates it...I am curious:-)


  1. ijana these look pretty amazing, especially that rambutan. Isnt it fun to try this stuff that is not so familiar to you!! Looks as if you had an amazing trip. So how was the rambutan

  2. You know you are not allowed to take durian into the hotel. I hope you didn't fo that Ms. Fruit Junkie :-)


  3. Inderdaad een 'fruitparadijs', Jana ! 'k Zou een vakantie lang proberen te leven op fruit... Mmm... Hééééérlijk !

  4. @Jeanne: rambutan looks cool, but I prefer the taste of the mangosteen, very refreshing:-)
    @Filip: thanks for letting me know, I would rather buy some already cut outside:-)I wont buy the whole fruit if I am not sure I like it....
    @Lies: cool idea:-)

  5. I love Thailand :) I got excited when I read you tried all those fruits! They're very abundant here in the Philippines too :) I hope you get to visit our country in the future. I'll take you on an eating frenzy ;)

  6. And I wish you and your family happy holidays! :)

  7. Jana, leuk de verschillende fruitsoorten. De Ramboetan vind ik heel lekker.

    Ik wens je heel fijne Kerstdagen en een voorspoedig 2013. Lieve groeten Dietmut

  8. Merry Christmas!!!! Gorgeous shots!

  9. Oh yum! Such exotic fruits. Do they have durians?

  10. @Karen: yes, they have durian too (I tried some in Chiang-Mail, later on this trip), I have also finally tried it for first ime in my life here:-) do u like it?


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