Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Saturday 20 April 2013

"Bon Appetit" with the flower parade Bloemencorso 2013!

Even if all flowers are delayed here in the Netherlands with 2-3 weeks this spring due to the cold and longw inter the famous and lovely-smelling flower parade started last night in Noordwijkerhout. The topic this year was "Bon appetit" and as every year I was again impressed how created the artists are...enjoy my pictures, they made me smile even if I was freezing while taking them:-)))
Bloemencorso 2013 Holland
Bloemencorso 2013 Holland
Bloemencorso 2013 Holland
Bloemencorso 2013 Holland
Bloemencorso 2013 Holland
On the picture below you can see very well that the "banana" is made from daffodils and the monkey from purple hyacinths.
Bloemencorso 2013 Holland 


  1. Wow, these are beautiful made of flowers. How creative and so colourful.

  2. We have a yearly sand sculpture at New River Beach approx. a 45 minute drive from our house. It amazes me every year to see the quality of what is sculpted out of sand and the same amazement is felt as I look through your photos. The array of wonderful colours - you might have been cold, but you probably enjoyed viewing and photographing this lovely flower parade just like I am . Have a wonderful day. Lilly

  3. Een kleurrijk genietlogje, Jana !

  4. You had all sorts of flower critters. Spectacular Jana. It adds a splash of color to my world.

  5. oh wow, those are very gorgeous Jana,must be smelling really good watching the flower parade and also, fun and joy abounds

  6. Thanks for sharing these wonderful shots with us. Kisses from Italy.

  7. Hi Jana:)
    How amazing, and what a colourful specticle.My favourite is the monkey eating the banana, but the lobster is pretty cool also.

  8. Wow what amazing floats these are. Lots of flowers represented here, and what colors!

  9. They are amazing!! I particularly like the big pink lobster - or is it a prawn? Who would have thought to make these things out of flowers?!

  10. Wow, that's beautiful. We have similar flower carneval in Debrecen (Hungary) in every year (20th August).
    You can see some photos on below link:ú
    Greetings, Miklos

  11. Must be difficult to make animals out of flowers. You like these parades.


  12. How creative! In the Philippines, we also have a flower festival where they make similar floats called "Panagbenga Festival". But they use different flowers (more on the yellow and red hues) so it's really nice to see floats in these colors :)


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