Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Monday 22 April 2013

Spring 2013: Dutch flower fields, lost in daffodils and hyacinths...

HyacinthFields Holland2013HyacinthFields Holland2013 
Dutch flower fields 2013Every year hundreds of tourists get lost in the Dutch flower fields in search for unique pictures or angles...Due to the long and very chilly winter all Dutch bulb flowers are delayed this year in the low lands. So when my first "flower"-visitors arrived last weekend and we went searching for flower fields, no tulip fields were in sight. However we could literally swim in white-purple-pink-rose-yellow sea of aromatic hyacinths and some daffodils...All pictures are taken in the fields around Lisse&Noordwijkerhout.

Hyacinths fields Holland
HyacinthFields Holland2013
HyacinthFields Holland2013
HyacinthFields Holland2013
HyacinthFields Holland2013


  1. Wow Jana!!! I'd like to come and see these wonderful fields of flowers Where are they? Kisses from Italy

  2. These flower fields are simply amazing! Love your photos

  3. oh wow, so very inspiring to look at and must be very inspiring to be there.

  4. Beautiful Jana - I have seen the tulip fields but never the earlier spring bulbs.

  5. Marvelous photos of this flower fields. Awesome ! I have a smell in my nose.
    Sunny regards,Synnöve

  6. Rows and rows of hyacinths - I can hardly imagine the beauty and aroma. Sensational scenes Jana, with tulips yet to come. Our warm climate is wonderful but bulbs don't like it so I will enjoy yours!

  7. Beautiful, we only have tulip fields in our Flevopolder.

  8. Jana, I'm trying not to be jealous. Hard to pick a favorite, but the sun shining through the daffodil is so wonderful. Enjoy your magical spring views!

  9. Prachtig, Jana... Ik ruik ze !

  10. amazing photos of this flower fields...

  11. OMG! the photos are like in the paintings. never thought there are really flower fields like these. so beautiful.

  12. Oh wow, THESE IMAGES ARE BREATHTAKING! Such eye candies! I can't stop looking at the rows of varying purple flowers!

    I'd get lost too if I went there!
    (See? I can't stop exclaiming. I'm THAT amazed!)

    My favorite is the 7th photo. The yellow flower just popped out of the purple fields :)

  13. thank you all!
    @Koryn: the 7th pic made my day too;-)))
    @Rosemary: its absolutely worth it, the parfum in the area is mindblowing!
    @Erika: they are between Leiden and Amsterdam, every year end ofApril:-)

  14. Wow, such a beautiful place... amazing flower, colors...really fantastic.
    I have just found your lovely Blog. I hope you enjoy mine too....


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