Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Saturday 7 September 2013

Summer fruits in Jakoruda (market and garden)/ Летни плодове в Якоруда, от пазара и от градината

One of the reason while I love summer (not only beacause of all the sunshine, warm temperatures and all the green nature around us) IS the fact that this is one of the reachest in fruits season! So while discovering the mountains at home I also ENJOYED the fresh, yummy and juicy summer products: watermelons, apricots, tomatoes, .... name it! The birth town of my grand-mother Jakoruda (where we start our mountain hikes from) has a very busy market every Saturday. Today I am taking you there, before we pass by our house at the end:-) The beautiful apricots are from our garden, which is vere well taken care of my parents& a helpful neigbour. They were good subject to try my new lens, 35mm macro!


  1. Je doet me watertanden, Jana !
    Wat een prachtig huis !

  2. ahhh, love fruits, and love those water melon, so fresh from the farm

  3. your photos around the world are always so colorful and full of life! I just love those watermelons so much!! they are my hubby's all time favorite fruits! :)

  4. Its very expensive to buy watermelons here, and they are one of my favourites. I love the walk around your town, the market, all the bright colours, peaches from your garden home and your sweet home. I would love to walk along there. Thank you for giving us the view. Most pleasurable and I love the house.

  5. Lovely colours reflecting the end of the summer and the resulting yield of wonderful fruits this year. It seems to have been a great summer across the whole of Europe even though it got off to such a chilly spring start.

  6. Lovely photo's with nice colors Jana.....i like this serie very much.

    Greetings, Joop

  7. i love watermelon, juicy...

  8. Jana what a wonderful place to live. So much colour in summer too. Fresh fruit is always a treat isn't it. Those apricots look amazing.

  9. Hi, Jana! I love watermelons. Actually, I survived this year’s fierce heat wave with cool, juicy watermelon. You must be warmly welcomed by that house with lovely flowers.


  10. ik zie een hoop lekker fruit Jana.
    Lieve groeten, Dietmut

  11. Angurie, pomodori e pesche in italian language.
    Ciao cara Jana!!!

  12. Fruit, that's really your cup of tea. See you tomorrow.


  13. Are you into juicing?
    I love juicing and watermelon is one of my favorite ingredients!

    Try juicing watermelon + cucumber + lemon. Very refreshing!

  14. @Lilly: watermelons are good price at home, like 0,15eur/ should comeonce over!
    @Koryn: I love juices...thanks for the recipe! wouldlove to try soon!
    @kulasa: thank you so much for the nice words!

  15. Харесвам този сорт, но да го похапвам. за сладкиши предпочитам кюнстендилските сини сливи. Имам в блога си тарт със сини сливи от преди 2 години май.Наистина е много вкусен. И въобще всичко от сливи. Ракия не съм пробвала, но не обичам и не бих оценила. При възможност бих посетила Якоруда. :)



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