Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Saturday 14 September 2013

Moselle colours in early September: between Filstroff and Colmen

Its AGAIN mirabelles-prune-time... So today I am very trilled to share with you my latest reportage for the gourmet-travel page TravelGluttons! Enjoy the read below+if you want to see the second part of my article just clck here.

Even if the golden "mirabelle" plum is not bigger than a golf ball, it has already won, years ago, the reputation of the unmistakable symbol of the French region Lorraine. Located at the three-borders-area (Luxembourg-Germany-France) this northeast region of France with its capital city Metz is also the biggest producer of the aromatic plums. 80% of the whole world production takes place here – we are talking of some 15,000 tonnes annually! Holy fruit paradise…
You might start wondering what they are doing with all these plumes, right? This tiny fruit has a very versatile use. It is of course the main ingredient for making the famous local gourmet food (for the locals) and souvenirs (for the visitors): fruit jam (la confiture de mirabelles), plum brandy (eau de vie de mirabelle) and the not-really-transportable, but to-be-eaten-on-the-spot (or, if available, just-right-out-of-the-oven) queen of all pies: la tarte aux mirabelles.
Why queen of the pies? Because it's not just another pie with fruit inside, it's a real visual/ gastronomic/taste-buds-using masterpiece! The edges of the pies are the only way for you to know that there is something else on the plate other than fruit. The fresh mirabelle plums are cut in two and gorgeously arranged on the top. Nothing else, the rest of the work is for the oven: to turn some of the fruit sugar into a yummy caramel crust. Some of the best tarte aux mirabelles I have tried looked so beautiful that one does not want to start cutting them.
But there is much more in Moselle/lorraine than mirabelle-prunes, have a look below for a colourful like a rainbow harvest in the garden as well as for some unusual and unexpected encounters...And in case you wonder: my first "tarte" with damson plums tasted A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! thanks for asking;-)

WISHING you all a good weekend with these perfectly imperfect potatoes, which make me smile every time I look at the picture:-)


  1. Hello Jana

    A lot of wonderful pictures....i like your work very much.

    Greetings, Joop

  2. Je doet me watertanden, Jana... Echt (alweer !) wahw !
    Kunst-aardappeltjes toveren ook hier een glimlach.
    Knap artikel in Travel Gluttons !

  3. Yum, yum - that plum pie looks quite tantalizing. You manage the best photos everywhere you travel. I always want to be there, too!

  4. Beautiful shots Jana! and these plums look just lovely, along with all of the goodies that they make! Thanks for sharing

  5. Congratulations, that looks like one delishous plum pie!! Lovely photos Jana:)

  6. Ooh Jana, now you've made me extremely hungry and seeing as I just got out of bed half hour ago, now my taste buds are salivating. Those pies do look tasty indeed and i am impressed by the numbers yearly of plums that are used. I buy plums in the market on a regular basis and they are one of my fav's. I have never had a plum pie. I must look for a recipe and see if I can make one. We have a get together in the fall with a big supper, so maybe I will serve a few plum pies to everybody along with the usual apple and pumpkin.Wonderful post and now I must go read the rest. Have a wonderful day. lol

  7. Hi Jana,

    I'm not a big fan of plums but I have to admit the tarte looks fabulous, very yummy.

    The rest of your pics are so lovely! Thanks so much for sharing.

  8. Yum! That pie indeed looks a gastronomic masterpiece

  9. Yum! That pie indeed looks a gastronomic masterpiece

  10. The tarts look amazing with the plums holding their shapes well.

  11. Hi Jana!!!I'm very gluttonous.
    I like this tart.

  12. Rana,
    mij loopt het water in de mond samen, als ik de zwetschgen (quetschen) zie.
    Lievelingsfruit van mij, maar goede zwetschgen zijn in Nederland haast niet te kegen. Toen ik nog in Hamburg woonde, ben ik naar het "Alteland" (fruitteeltgebied) gereden en heb ze bij de boeren zelf gekocht. Heerlijk!!!! Fijne dag en groetjes, Dietmut


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