Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Tulips in Flevoland 2014, Noordoostpolder is a colourful corner to see!

Second half of April tons of tourists come over to the Netherlands to see the spring park Keukenhof and also the flower fields. Most of them however only travel around in Bollenstreek, the flower-bulb-area between Leiden and Haarlem. HOWEVER there are some amazing tulip fields a bit more north in Flevoland. The wide and long fields in this flat and new Dutch province are perfect for growing of potatoes and .... flowers! There is space, abundance of colours and guess what: no other tourists. So if you are curious to spot and photograph some amazing tulips fields just drive to Noordoostpolder and enjoy the view. There are also sign for a bike tulipfestival-route, so you cant get lost:-)


  1. Zò mooi, Jana, wat 'n kleurenpracht... !

  2. Nice such a lonely yellow tulip between all the red ones.


  3. Wow!!! Gorgeous tulips! Kisses from Italy

  4. These tulips are just amazingly beautiful! love your shots

  5. You and I would have such fun on a photography haunt, eh. People are drawn to tulip fields the same way people are drawn to go and see "Anne Of Green Gables" in P.E.I. I have family on PEI and am amazed at the crowds of tourists that still come every year to see the play and also the surroundings.You are doing exactly what I did at your age Jana - exploring the world and having fun - it is indeed a wonderful trip my dear. Much thanks for all the beauty you send my way :)

  6. I have friends who were biking in your tulip land this past week. I'm jealous of all you luscious colors! I'm visiting in the desert right now, so I am seeing some cacti blooms. Happy spring, Jana! (Great photos that leave me smiling.)

  7. Yes the Noordoostpolder is a hidden secret, we have been there a couple of times.

  8. Magnificent colours and photos - it's that beautiful time of the year again in the northern hemisphere! I so love tulips - but they don't like our warmer climate.

  9. Oh gosh, these are the kind of photos you only see in postcards! Beautiful shots, Jana! :)


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