Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Bloemenvlucht/ flower fields flight in april 2014 with LionAir

After seeing the flower fields from close and inside we were curious to see them again from up in the air. As last year we contacted the friendly and professional LionAir and book one hour "bloemenvlucht". With Michel as pilot we flew over Leiden, Keukenhof, Lisse, Noordwijkerhout and then along the coast: Wassenar, Scheveningen, Monster and Rotterdam...Again an amazing experience and perfect weather with fantastic colours!

Rotterdam Station from above


  1. It almost looks like patchwork on the ground.

  2. Dearest Jana - These photos just take my breath away. You know, when a writer is able to capture your mind and soul with a story and take you away that you feel like you are actually in the story, this is exactly what you do with your photos. You have "the photographers eye" - You capture - we see and feel the magnificence of each photo. Anyone can take photos, however, not everyone has the ability to make them feel like you are there. Brave my dear. Love this post, and have a wonderful day. Cheers, Lilly

  3. 'k Herinner me jouw foto's van vorig jaar, Jana...
    't Blijft puur genieten !

  4. Well done!!! I love your shots Wish you a nice w.e.

  5. These flights are just amazing.


  6. What a wonderful way to see your beautiful homeland. Those colours and waterways look perfect.

  7. Gosh, what fantastic photos! I can see that this flight is an absolute necessity of you want to see the flowers properly!!

  8. Hey Jana,
    Wonderful shots from the air. So amazing to see the fields of flowers.
    Nice the new railstation of Rotterdam. I drive there many times through it with my freight train.

    Greetings, Marco

  9. Yes, I do remember that blog entry from last year where you posted photos of these beautiful fields! (Oh wow, we've been friends that long already! :D)

    You're so lucky you have that. I can just imagine how surreal it is seeing it from up there :)

  10. Unbelievable shots from the air. Especially the first one. Seems it was created on design desk :)
    Sure it was a fantastic experience ro see these fields from the air. Thanks for sharing! Cheers Miklos


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