Published work: Articles for TravelGluttons

Sunday 4 May 2014

Flower-Power: Bloemencorso 2014, colours, sun and wind!

This year the famous flower parade was a bit later than usual, on the first weekend of May. As often before we went to Noordwijkerhout on Friday eve and enjoyed the sea of flowers, colours+perfumes! Dive in, can you smell them ? :-)




  1. Some very nice pictures, lovely parade.


  2. Jana - I WISH I could smell them. Lucky you! There's still 4 feet of snow around my house in Breck. My growing season is going to be VERY short! Smell the blooms for me.

  3. I am thinking about the hours and hours of hard work to put these beautiful flower floats together and how much patience it must take to get it just right. These flower parades are just way too beautiful and strikingly so. I love the last shot of "Holland Boy" for I am looking at the girl smiling behind him. Great photo and thank you for touching my life with beauty and humour today. I was out on a small jaunt round the back roads to a pond where we fish and caught a sun dog reflection. Not a prominent one, but still a fairly good capture. I shall send it to you in my email, for I cannot do so from here - I think your photographers eye would appreciate my attempt. Have a wonderful day Jana. Oh, we still have deep snow in the woods, but mostly gone about town and the flowers n buds are just starting to poke their little heads out at the bit of warmth May brings. Ciou xo

  4. Sorry, I guess I do not have your email address, so cannot send photo. If you leave a comment on my post, I can pick it up from there. Thanks, Lilly

  5. It's hard to believe that these floats are made with flowers, beautiful colors and I bet the aroma was amazing! Lovely parade!

  6. What wonderful creative displays have been made with the flowers. The work involved must take hours of time. How lovely to see them all.

  7. nice pictures..


  8. Jana, je hebt een mooie serie van de bloemencorso gemaakt. Leuk en ik vind het altijd knap hoe de zo leuke creaties kunnen maken. Fijne avond en lieve groeten, Dietmut

  9. they sure show power in flowers.

  10. Wow! I'd like to be there. Wish you a nice w.e. kisses from Italy

  11. Hello Jana,
    Very wonderful shots of these flower parade. Amazing to see what they have made of all the colorful flowers.

    Best regards,

  12. I love, love the floats! Why was it held a bit late this year? :)

  13. ik had er ook heel graag naar toe willen gaan maar daar is niets van gekomen gelukkig kan ik hier mijn hart ophalen.

  14. Показала си невероятни неща! Възхищавам се на изкуството на флористите.
    Благодаря ти, че сподели тези чудесни снимки и места!


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